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phs Besafe begs textile industry to stop using toxic ‘forever chemicals’
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phs Besafe begs textile industry to stop using toxic ‘forever chemicals’

As one of the UK’s leading technical workwear supplier, we have a strong sense of duty and responsibility for our environment. We want to do the right thing.

Using The Right Protection: The Difference Between PPE and Protective Workwear
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Using The Right Protection: The Difference Between PPE and Protective Workwear

We’ll take a closer look at the difference between protective workwear and PPE so you can always ensure your workers are protected.

Comfort Beyond Safety: Other Advantages of PHS Besafe Workwear
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Comfort Beyond Safety: Other Advantages of PHS Besafe Workwear

While ensuring the safety of employees will always be paramount, there's an often overlooked aspect that plays a crucial role in overall job performance and satisfaction – the comfort factor.

Workwear Shredding Helps Halt Corporate Identity Theft
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Workwear Shredding Helps Halt Corporate Identity Theft

When you’ve invested so much time, money and effort in building your brand, you won’t want anyone stealing your business name, much less have your company linked to unlawful activity.

Health And Safety Legislation Updates – Workplace Safety Updates For 2024
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Health And Safety Legislation Updates – Workplace Safety Updates For 2024

So, what health and safety legislation updates are expected for 2024? We look at some of the legislation changes on the cards to help you maintain health and safety in your workplace.

The Impact of Health and Safety on Businesses
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The Impact of Health and Safety on Businesses

Health and safety in the workplace is vital, as it ensures the welfare of employees carrying out specific tasks. phs besafe look at the impact of health

You’re fired: how to prevent fires in the workplace
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You’re fired: how to prevent fires in the workplace

Workplace fires can have a devastating impact on a business, causing death and serious injury. Ensure your employees are protected with phs Besafe.

Workwear Rental vs. Ownership: Pros for Businesses
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Workwear Rental vs. Ownership: Pros for Businesses

But why bother purchasing such clothing items when rental is an option? If you purchase your own workwear, you are responsible for laundering and maintaining them, and also replacing them when they get old and damaged.

The Critical Role of Workwear on Dark Winter Mornings
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The Critical Role of Workwear on Dark Winter Mornings

At phs Besafe, we provide a range of protective workwear garments that are ideal for improving safety in the winter months.

Call us for a free quote on: 0330 588 4100 Enquire Now