Essential Safety Products for the Construction Industry 

As an industry prone to hazardous scenarios on a daily basis, health and safety is of the utmost importance in construction. Workers in the construction sector can be exposed to near countless risks whether it’s related to working at height, using powerful machinery and tools, contact with electricity or being exposed to dust, chemicals and substances such as asbestos. In fact, the risks are so significant that health and safety is quite literally a matter of life and death.  


Even though there is a high importance placed on workplace safety, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reports that, on average, 36 people die each year in the construction industry. The fatal injury rate for construction is around four times higher than the all-industry rate. What’s more, an average of 59,000 workers are injured in the sector each year while there are an estimated 78,000 work-related ill-health cases. This only goes to evidence the pressing need to keep health and safety at the forefront of the industry and how more can always be done to save lives and keep construction workers safe when they go to work.  


There are several products which are essential in the daily toolkit of a construction worker in order to increase safety and protect them. Here, phs Besafe takes a look at some of these items and explores how they are so pivotal as well as the reasons they should be worn without fail.  


Head protection 

Hard hats are required on any construction site and must be worn by everyone; from construction workers all the way up to site managers and any visitors to the site – even if they are not working. Hard hats protect the head from bumps, the risk of being hit by a falling object, debris or equipment and provide protection from the elements such as the sun and rain as well as from electric shock. 

Hard hats must be robust enough to provide adequate protection and are usually made from a high-density polyethylene (HDPE). It is imperative the hard hat is a good fit on the wearer. If it’s too tight, there is a risk it won’t be worn. If it’s too loose, it’s likely to fall off when it’s needed the most or distract the wearer while they are working by having to keep adjusting it. Hard hats must also be kept in good condition, being replaced if they become damaged or are subject to hard impact in case its integrity has been compromised.  


Eye protection 

The risk of injury and damage to eyes on a construction site comes from a mix of high-risk equipment, tasks, materials and chemicals. As a sensitive and vulnerable part of the body, the eye can be penetrated by sharp or flying objects as well as damaged by dust, debris, acid, sparks and smoke. Certain activities increase the risk of eye injury and include cutting, grinding, welding, nailing and working with concrete. Eye protection comes in the form of safety glasses, goggles, face shields and visors. 


Safety gloves 

Gloves are an essential item to protect hands from injury as well as exposure to dangerous materials. They must be worn when working with power tools or handling hazardous substances to avoid cuts, puncture wounds, burns (caused by heat or chemicals), irritation and skin diseases. There are several types of gloves which alternate depending on the task at hand. These include heavy-duty leather and canvas gloves, rubber gloves, welding gloves, insulated gloves for electrical work, and chemical-resistant gloves. They can also safeguard hands from the elements such as extreme cold, wind and rain as well as keeping hands cushioned and therefore in more comfort when carrying out general duties as well as providing a strong grip to support tasks.  


Protective footwear 

Good fitting, sturdy and protective footwear is essential to help protect feet from injury as well as to help prevent trips, slips and falls – a major contributor to workplace accidents. In fact, according to a HSE report, nearly a third (31%) of construction-related accidents are caused by slips, trips and falls. Footwear should be non-slip with grips and puncture-resistant while steel or composite-toe boots provide protection from falling objects. Insulated, waterproof boots can protect workers outside in colder weather, keeping feet warm and dry in inclement weather.  


Breathing protection 

Depending on the task at hand, there is a risk while working on construction sites of breathing in hazardous substances. These can be as serious as asbestos which can lead to significant health implications as well as respirable crystalline silica which is found in concrete and bricks. However, even something as seemingly innocuous such as dust can cause damage if inhaled with exposure to airborne particles potentially leading to respiratory diseases. To protect workers, face and mouth protection should be used such as dust masks and filters in the form of respirators in addition to visors and safety goggles if necessary.  


Hearing protection 

Construction sites can be noisy places with a variety of different sources from drilling and hammering to machinery. Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can cause permanent damage and hearing loss over the long term. The first measure to protect the health and safety of workers with regards to hearing protection is to keep noise levels within set decibel levels, as prescribed by the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005. As a supportive measure, hearing protection for workers includes ear defenders and ear plugs.  

High-visibility gear 

Hi-visibility, or hi-vis, workwear is an absolute must on construction sites to keep workers safe. This includes when an employee is working in low-visibility conditions such as at dusk or at night, in adverse weather or indoors in low-light levels. However, hi-vis clothing is also required where there are vehicle movements or hazardous situations to ensure the worker is easily seen on site. The Bright Gear range of hi-vis gear from phs Besafe is designed to offer maximum performance, safety and comfort to the wearer. Meanwhile, for the ultimate visibility, phs Besafe’s Glow Gear incorporates innovative dual technology reflective tape to offer a third level of protection in low light and dark environments.  


For more information about phs Besafe and our range of services and workwear, visit our construction industry site pages today 

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