How phs Besafe can help the chemical industry

Chemicals are used in many industries in a variety of ways, including in factories, shops, laboratories, offices and farms. Some workplaces present a bigger risk of chemical burns than others. People working in manufacturing, agriculture and construction often handle chemicals, meaning the risk of being burnt is often higher. However, the risk is present in any job where chemicals are used.

Chemicals can be found in nearly all workplaces and include such things as solvents, paints, varnishes, flammable gases, dusts from machining and sanding operations, and dusts from foodstuffs. Prolonged contact with wet cement in construction can also lead to chemical burns.

The chemicals you use at work may include products you buy to use in your core business, or in maintaining your equipment, or in general cleaning. Dangerous substances used at work could, if not properly controlled, cause harm to people as a result of a fire, explosion or similar incident, such as an uncontrolled chemical reaction.

Working in an explosive atmosphere can be hazardous, which is why it’s vitally important control measures are put in place, i.e. a mixture of personal protective equipment and ways of working to reduce exposure. Employees need access to the very best protective clothing, to mitigate injury and harm.

phs Besafe’s Flame Gear range is flame resistant, which means it’s suitable in any environment where there may be flammable gases for welding, cutting or grinding. Conforming to both the EN 11611 Standard (Welding) and EN 11612 (Flame Retardant) Standards, our Flame Gear provides insulation from heat, and resists breaking open and exposing skin to heat and harmful chemicals, which is essential when working in a confined space like a laboratory. The garments also contain anti-static core conducting fibres, and have a 97% chemical repellence rate against sulphuric acid, butanol and sodium hydroxide.

The flame-resistant workwear in our Flame Gear range is also designed to not restrict movement when workers are welding or operating in a constricted area. This is ensured with features such as the vertical movement panels, which enable the wearer to stretch above whilst minimising garment rise, and remaining protected against dangerous chemicals. Thick reflective tape also increases employees’ visibility in smoke and low light levels.

The fabric has also been special selected for processing through our laundry service to remove contaminants and ensure the garments continue to offer maximum protection.